The City of McGregor has completed the Initial Lead Service Line Inventory (LSLI) that was mandated by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and found no evidence of lead pipelines in our water distribution system.
This required inventory is used to document pipe material on both the utility owned and privately owned sides of the water service line, specifically targeting the identification of lead pipelines. Currently portion(s) of the customer side service lines remain unknown as to their pipe material, so it is likely that future investigations may be performed by the City of McGregor Utility Department to determine if any lead pipelines exist on the private side of the water service line.
The entire LSLI will be made available upon request if you wish to view a specific address or if you have any questions or concerns on this topic, please reach out to:
Chad Saylors, Director of Public Works – (254) 230-8049 or Alexander Downing, Assistant Director of Public Works – (254) 379-0559.
Also, feel free to click on the links provided to get more information directly from the EPA and/or TCEQ.